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Setup Environment Variables

We use Doppler as our team's central source of truth for secrets and app configuration.

  1. Get invited to Jesus Film Doppler account by sending an email to our Doppler Administrator.
  2. In a container terminal, login to the Doppler CLI
doppler login
  1. Type n<enter> when asked to open authorization page in a browser
Open the authorization page in your browser? (Y/n) n
  1. Open the authorization page to complete authorization. This will require you to login to Doppler, copy your auth code from your terminal, and give your newly minted token a name. On completion you terminal should look like the following:
? Open the authorization page in your browser? No
Complete authorization at
Your auth code is:


Welcome, Brian
  1. Fetch environment variables using fetch-secrets
DOPPLER_CONFIG=dev nx run-many --all --target=fetch-secrets